A Full Size Backpack – Name Label
1 of each – Plastic pocket folders, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, Purple
1 – 24 count box of pre-sharpened Crayola colored pencils
3 – 24 count boxes of Crayola crayons
1 box of broad line Crayola markers
1 box of fine line Crayola markers
24 or more Elmer’s Washable glue sticks
2 highlighters
4 Expo markers
1 8 X 10 whiteboard
I pair of child size scissors (determined left or right-handed)
2 pink erasers
2 packages of 3 x 5 index cards
2 packages of hand wipes for lunchtime/snack
2 boxes of Kleenex tissues
2 large containers of Clorox wipes
2 bottles of Purell hand sanitizer
1-4 pack of Playdoh
1 set of headphones with name label
Boys – 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags
Girls – 1 box of sandwich size Ziploc bags
1 beach towel for rest time (will be sent home daily)
Do not put names on any of the supplies unless specified.
Please pack everything in a large reusable handle bag with your child’s first and last name on it.
(TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, Job Lot and Burlington Coat Factory carry these bags)