Community Service

SERVICE work is an extremely significant part of who we are as a school community. We instill the importance of serving others and the community.


Our love for others is our grateful response to the love God first demonstrated to us. 1 John 4:19

  • Sandwich Club-200 bag lunches made for the homeless.

  • Sock-tober-800 pair of socks collected for those in need.

  • Canned goods collected several times a year for local food pantries.

  • Backpacks for Veterans-with toiletries and Rosaries made by students.

  • Pennies for Haiti-ministry to support our sister school in Haiti.

  • Greeting cards for the homebound.

  • Collecting cans of soup for our “souper bowl” in February

  • Christmas ornaments for nursing homes.

  • Teddy Bears made for various Catholic charities. 

  • Blankets made for children in need of a ‘warm hug’.

Our school community offers service opportunities to students in all grade levels.


Students in grades 6-8 are required to meet a community service requirement by June 1st of each year. 

  • Sixth graders are expected to complete six (6) hours of service

  • Seventh graders are expected to complete seven (7) hours of service

  • Eighth graders are expected to complete eight (8) hours of community service.