
St. Luke’s School believes that diagnostic testing is crucial to inform instructional needs and to provide support/enrichment for our students. It is also important to ensure that our students are challenged academically and are provided equitable access to their learning.  St. Luke’s participates in the following testing:


ACRE (Assessment of Children/Youth Religious Education) Testing:

This takes place annually in grades 5 and 8.  The NCEA (National Catholic Education Foundation) has offered this assessment tool that is designed to strengthen catechetical/religious education programs. The ACRE Test helps our faculty evaluate our religious education program to analyze student performance and adjust instructional practices in the areas of faith knowledge, religious beliefs, attitudes, practices, and perceptions of the Catholic church. 


Renaissance Star Testing:

This comprehensive formative assessment, administered by our COMPASS Teacher, is conducted in class three times a year in grades K-8.  Areas assessed include early literacy, reading and math in each grade level.  It is also used as a progress monitoring tool for students who are identified as needing support in these content areas. In addition to teacher recommendation, it also identifies students that would benefit from enrichment in these subject areas.e assessment