FACTS Tuition Management

Over the last few years we have expanded our relationship with FACTS and use several of their products. For several years, they have handled the applications for our Grant in Aid (tuition assistance) which is handled by the Diocese.


We have just launched a new product which will handle all our Student Information Systems (SIS). See Parent Portal tab.


We also use FACTS to handle our Tuition Management. ALL families, regardless of how you intend to make their tuition payments, MUST open a Tuition Management account. The reason for this is that one of the products this system provides, allows us to charge you for Incidental Billing through FACTS. This cuts down on back-and-forth paperwork and allows us to bill you directly for things like CAMP, Field Trips, athletics sign-ups etc.


This link will bring you right to the SLS page on FACTS where opening an account is very easy: https://online.factsmgt.com/inst/3HMZC/profile/consumer-portal