Buddy Program

For almost 40 years, St. Luke’s School has had a Buddy Program. It is extremely unique expeirence that our students, teachers and families love.


The Buddy Program links younger students with older students for trips, activities and celebrations. The older students act as mentors, role models and teachers while the younger children have someone to look up to for guidance, friendship, and advice.


The grades are linked as follows:

  • Preschool and Grade 8

  • Kindergarten and Grade 4

  • Grade 1 and Grade 7

  • Grade 2 and Grade 6

  • Grade 3 and Grade 5

Buddies have many opportunities to interact during the year including the following:

  • Attend all-school Masses and church gatherings together
  • Participate in buddy lunches
  • Enjoy buddy reading sessions
  • Attend presentations in each other’s classrooms
  • Host Easter Egg Hunts and Christmas gift exchange
  • Grade 8 takes their preschool buddies along to their signature yearlong Creek Study in Haines Park once a trimester


This important St. Luke’s program has produced enduring friendships while allowing students to become a mentor, teacher and Christian leader.