Dress Code and Uniform Policy
SLS uses Tommy Hilfiger for school uniforms. Our PE uniforms are from the Gob Shop in Warren, RI. Uniforms help to elevate the SLS learning experience and create a sense of community, school pride, and sense of belonging. Students who do not follow the below Uniform Policy will receive a verbal or written warning from their teacher and parents will be notified. Repeated infractions will result in the student being referred to the principal for disciplinary action. Parents will be notified by the principal. Make every effort to ensure that your child follows the Uniform Policy below.
School Uniform for Girls (Kindergarten- Grade 8)

School Uniform for Boys (Kindergarten-Grade 8)

Warm Weather Option (All Students K-8)

Physical Education Uniform (All Students K-8)

Accessories and Grooming (All Students K-8)