St. Luke’s School could not exist and succeed without a great deal of parental involvement. That involvement includes Room Parents, Lunch Monitors, Field Trip Chaperones, Library Workers, Service Ministry Coordinators and much more.


Our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a dynamic group of parents who meet and plan on a regular basis. They concentrate on the creation and execution of fundraising efforts that ultimately benefit all our students through enrichment programs and technology upgrades.


They are constantly brainstorming and are always looking for new parents with fresh ideas, to join the team.


As a parent or guardian, you are automatically a member of the PTO and are invited to all PTO meetings, as well as a wide variety of school events, which help foster and build our wonderful community. We welcome and encourage you to
volunteer your talents to one or more of our PTO activities.


The PTO fundraisers include specific events as well as more passive ways to earn money for our school such as Amazon Smile which anyone who is a friend of the school (parents, grandparents, relatives, friends etc.) can participate in.